Thursday, June 9, 2011

PB&J Pops!

The weather is warming up! Which means it's time for snacks that will cool everyone down after the heat! This is one of my new favorites, I enjoy them just as much as my kids do! And they are easy to make! Start by adding fresh strawberries, sugar to taste, and a splash of water to a blender and puree until smooth. Pour the mixture into your popcicle containters, but only halfway. Put them in the freezer. About an hour later, puree some peanut butter, sugar to taste, and milk in the blender until smooth. Pour the mixture into the remaining space in the popcicle containers. Continue freezing until completely frozen. You may need to run the containers under hot water before attempting to remove them, because the first few times I made these, I only pulled the sticks out, and not the popcicle! Enjoy!

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